Shaker Footstool

Saturday September 13

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10:00 AM  –  1:00 PM

Shaker Footstool

Saturday, September 13, 2025

Time: 10 am to 1 pm

This is a great introduction to Shaker Seat Weaving. Make a woven footstool or child’s stool (size 12” x 9” x 8”), starting with a footstool kit. Participants will glue together the maple stool frame. The stool seat is then woven in natural and a color of your choice of Shaker Tape (cotton). No experience needed. Suitable for ages 14 and up. Register by August 14 to choose from the following colors: dark blue, dark cranberry, evergreen or butternut brown. The default color for late registration will be dark blue. 

REGISTRATION FEE:  $50 ($45 for HSV members)

MATERIALS FEE:  $45 materials fee (cash or Venmo, payable directly to the instructor)--includes footstool kit.  

Instructor: A basket maker since 1995, Sandy Salada weaves a variety of baskets, including patterns of her own design, patterns by other teachers, and reproductions of cultural and historical baskets. Sandy teaches in her home studio as well as at Shaker Heritage Society in Watervliet, New York, and at Hancock Shaker Village.
